Ten Hour Course of Music Instruction
*Please note: Distance learning via SKYPE necessitates certain minimum system requirements.
First establish a free SKYPE connection. (www.skype.com)
Before you contact Mr. Jemmott via email at skype@jerryjemmott.com to determine if this method of learning will be appropriate and affordable for YOU, make a list of the following three things:
2. What you feel you need to improve upon.
3.What your goals are.
“What you gave me allowed me to go back
to that school (The Bass Collective) with confidence and the ability, to discern the information on a higher level”!
Richard Cisco, Charlotte, North Carolina
JACO PASTORIUS says: “He was my idol. That stuttering kind
of bass line, bouncing all around the beat but keeping it right
in the groove- well, they don’t call Jerry the Groovemaster for nothing. He’s the best”.
This course of study and coaching deals exclusively with what you want and need to know to perform at any level. It covers How music works, is created, and improvised. We will build an understanding of how a scale, rhythm, melody, chord, arrangement and accompaniment are used in order to improvise and create a style and purpose with your music. The curriculum includes:
How to study, learn and practice.
Definitions of terms and functions.
Intervals, tones/note names and key signatures.
Training the ear to sound of scales.
Intra-scale intervals and Harmonic patterns.
Diatonic harmonization of the major and relative minor scales Modal scales.
The Groove and its components
Harmonic Propulsion, Ear Training, Dynamics
The Basic Beat and Its Division.
Rhythm through the various styles - Rock, Blues, R&B, Classical, Afro-Caribbean-Latin-Tribal, Show Music, Gospel, Jazz, Country, Pop, and Hip Hop.
Time Signature, Melodic Lines, Harmonic Lines, Phrasing, Pickups, Lead Ins, Fills and Ensemble Playing. Chord Progressions used by various styles of music, One Chord Vamps, Blues Changes, Rhythm Changes, The II V I Progressions and Modal Scales and Musical Thinking. Non Diatonic Chord Progressions. Self- expression exercises for Line Formation and Soloing, The Five Components and The Five Elements of Personal Expression Through Musicianship.
When we study without the context of an overall system it becomes difficult to understand the significance of the components and elements that are involved.
The network of communication that this system creates leads to an in-depth understanding of effective learning skills that gives us the tools, and the freedom, to express ourselves through creative music.
Uncover and illuminate what makes you tick and how to best utilize your uniqueness to get down with it, and express the phenomena called life.
You don’t have to read music to utilize this course of study as we will be using a user friendly verbal learning system that will enable you to achieve maximum results. It is one thing to play an instrument but it's another thing to play and understand the Components & Elements of the music you are making.